Adding Answer Piping to Your Figma Form

In this tutorial we will show you how to incorporate respondents' earlier answers into subsequent questions.

Answer piping is a great way to make your forms more engaging and interactive. Once the respondent gives their first response, you have the chance to use that information for crafting subsequent questions or instructions that are more specific and personalised. This might involve addressing the respondent by their name or tailoring follow-up questions according to their earlier answers.

Adding answer piping to a form designed in figma


  1. We begin with defining the initial question, as we want the response to this question to become part of the next one. For the set up to work correctly, you need to give a name to the field of your base question. So, in our example the name of our field is Username.
  2. Once you've collected the response for the base question, the respondent's name in our example, you need to link it to your subsequent question. For this use the following format:  {{Username}}, please rate your experience. {{Username}}" serves as a placeholder for the information collected in the initial question. Adding the brackets is essential. Brackets activate the "magic" and make the set up work.
  3. The last and the easiest step is to publish the form. When you launch your form, the placeholder "{{Username}}" in your question is automatically replaced with the name each respondent provides in the base question. It's as if your form is speaking directly to them.

And that's how answer piping works in the published form.

Answer Piping  in A Figma form. Published